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Monday, March 24, 2008

Duke built a time machine for advertisements called Ad*Access

So Duke lost. I guess you’re done watching them play basketball in March, but if you can’t get enough of Duke related topics(?... uh, issues?...I dunno the word I'm looking for, stuff having to do with, relating to, or originating from Duke University), browse on over to the amazing Duke Universities Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library. Of particularly fun interest is Ad* Access, their collection of over 7,000 images of advertisements from 1911-1955.

Ad* Access provides a glimpse into the leading design trends spanning 40 years through print ads for television, radio, transportation, beauty and hygiene, and World War II. It’s definitely something worth looking through if you are a designer or have any interest in design.

The entire Digital Collections section is great. Go there and spend hours getting inspired.

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