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Saturday, March 8, 2008

'Indie' beer people say, "Guinness too popular, get me some Young's"

We're about a week away from the day everyone drinks Guinness. Or at least pretends to. Now, while I'm all about St. Patty's day, and Guinness is definitely one of my favorite beers, there's always the kind of people that have to be a part of what I call "subpopular culture". These are the people (though I will not contest that I am not a part of) that yearn to have an alternative to everything that is popular. In the case of Guinness, that alternative is undoubtedly Young's Double Chocolate Stout.

If you have any kind of love for stouts, you can't do wrong with this "luxury" brew. "Smooth as velvet," a close friend says, and he can't say it any better. This is the perfect companion to any relaxed night, perhaps sitting back and listening to Young Liars by TV on the Radio (which is exactly what I'm doing).

So, if this St. Patty's strikes you as too mainstream, try this alternative. While it isn't Irish, it's sure as good as the almighty counterpart, if not better.

1 comment:

comoprozac said...

Young's is good, no doubt. I've actually been enjoying Schlafly's Irish Style Extra Stout or their Imperial Stout (brewed in bourben barrels). Bells Java Stout is another good option.